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Niobium Fasteners

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Niobium is an associated metal of tantalum ,characterized in high strength ,high conductivity ,resistance  to corrosion by liquid base metals ,section with low neutron capture ,etc ,widely used for steel ,ceramics ,electronics ,nuclear energy industries and superconductor technology.
Special requirements to be agreed on by the supplier and buyer of negotiation . 

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2 Pcs Ball Valve, 3 Way Ball Valve, Alloy Pipes And Tubes, Alloy Steel Buttweld Fittings, Alloy Steel Fasteners, Alloy Steel Flanges, Alloy Steel Forged Fittings, Alloy Steel Rods Bars And Wire, Alloy Steel Sheet And Plate, Aluminium Ingot, Aluminium Wire, Beryllium Copper Flat Bar, Beryllium Copper Rod, Beryllium Copper Sheets And Plates, Beryllium Copper Strip, Beryllium Coppers, Brass Sheets And Plates, Butter Fly Valve, Chromium Coppers, Chromium Zirconium Copper, Conical Strainer, Copper Products, Dairy Fittimg, Dairy Ss Fittimgs, Diaphragm Valve, Din Union, Flush Bottom Valve, Gunmetal, Hose Ferrule, Idf Union, Inconel Metal, Indium Wire, Instrument Bend, Mild Steel Buttweld Fittings, Mild Steel Fasteners, Mild Steel Flanges, Mild Steel Forged Fittings, Mild Steel Pipes And Tubes, Mild Steel Rods Bars And Wire, Molybdenum Fasteners, Molybdenum Flanges, Molybdenum Rods And Bars, Molybdenum Sheets And Plates, Nichrome Metal, Nickel Alloy Bars And Wire, Nickel Alloy Buttweld Fittings, Nickel Alloy Fasteners, Nickel Alloy Flanges, Nickel Alloy Forged Fittings, Nickel Alloy Pipes And Tubes, Nickel Alloy Sheet And Plate, Nimonic Metal, Niobium Fasteners, Niobium Flanges, Niobium Pipes And Tubes, Niobium Rods And Bars, Niobium Sheets And Plates, Non Return Valve, Pharmaceutical Fittings, Phosphor Bronze, Pipe Holders, Plain Bend, Plain Tee, Products, Reducer, S. S. Pipe Clamp, Sight Glass, Sms Union, Spray Ball, Ss Fittings, Stainless Fittings, Stainless Steel Buttweld Fittings, Stainless Steel Fasteners, Stainless Steel Flanges, Stainless Steel Forged Fittings, Stainless Steel Pipes And Tubes, Stainless Steel Rods Bars And Wire, T. C. Clamps, T. C. Liner, Tantalum Bolt And Fastener, Tantalum Pipes And Tubes, Tantalum Rod And Tantalum Bar, Tantalum Sheet And Plate, Titanium, Titanium Cooling Coil, Titanium Crucibal, Titanium Pan, Titanium Tank, Titanium Tank For Chemical Process, Titanium Tank For Gold Refinery, Triclover Bend, Triclover Blank, Triclover Clamp, Triclover Tee, Triclover Union, Tungsten Fasteners, Tungsten Pipes And Tubes, Tungsten Products, Tungsten Rods And Bars, Tungsten Sheets And Plates, Wye Loop, Y Type Flush Bottom